1st part: Seller Documents "LogBook" and Personal ID

(Block 1) General information about the car:

Car plate VIN
Brand of car
Type of vehicle

(Block 2) Owner details:

Document number

(Block 3) Ownership status:

Is any co-owners
Onership status

(Block 4 not in logbook):
-Seller ID document

Ask scan or photo of document which is represented in "Logbook". It can be:
TIN -company registry number
Cyprus ID (Example)
Passport (Example)
Diplomacy ID
Soldier ID
Foreign permit (ERD / PinkSlip) (Example)
British base ID
United Nations ID

-Seller phone number

2nd part: Buyer Documents

-Buyer ID Documents (make a copy)
-Name / Surname / ID Number
-Phone number
-Date of birth
-Registration address
-Mailing address (common the same)
-Cyprus Ethnic group
-Planned ownership

3rd part: Insurance Data

-Company name
-Isnurance number
-Date till valid

Without insurance you will not be able to register the car. But you can buy it and only than make insuranse